Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Flash - 'Gorilla Warfare'

Grodd vs. Kool Aid Man.
Grodd is back!

With everyone's favourite homicidal psychic gorilla on the rampage and Barry suffering a mental block when trying to access the Speed Force after his humiliation at the hands of Zoom, the rest of Team Flash rally to try to work the case and, incidentally, keep Patty in the dark about the fact that he is a) the Flash, b) paralysed and c) recovering.
"Arthur! Monkey out of nowhere!"

Seriously, dude; you told your ex, but you're still lying to your girlfriend. History tells you this is a jackass move. Okay, in fairness I can get that he doesn't want to tell his brand new girlfriend 'I'm the broken rag-doll of a man who was dangled in front of your eyes by Gimpmask McBulletcatch,' but once his spine is healed (yay Speed Force!) there's really no excuse for perpetuating the culture of deception. And at least get your story straight so that you and Joe, whom you know for a fact are both going to be talking to Patty regularly, don't get your stories crossed in a way that makes you seem like total dicks.

Cisco's dating experiences are also complicated.
Meanwhile, Cisco's romance with Kendra Hall Saunders* is interrupted by a vibe of a man with wings, causing him to run out on their first date. Fortunately for him, Kendra is either desperate or contracted for a certain number of episodes prior to Legends of Tomorrow and accepts 'I got a call from CCPD without looking at my phone, watch or any form of smart gadget' and he gets another kiss and a clearer vibe of Kendra dressed as some sort of... Girlhawk.

Back in the A Plot, after everyone else fails to snap Barry out of his funk, Joe approaches Patty, tells her the truth and she is able to rally him with her insight into the good person he is, since she has fallen for him as Barry, the man behind the Flash.

No, wait; I'm sorry. He perpetuates the lie while Iris calls in Daddy Allen from Bora Bora or some such place for a one episode pep rally. Again, in fairness, John Wesley Shipp as Henry Allen hits this one out of the park and I'm a sucker for dad stuff, but seriously; talk to her. If nothing else, the example of Oliver Queen ought to teach you that if you don't, some evil motherfucker will and then she'll hate you and do not be getting that Arrow angst on my Flash, damnit!

Earth-2 Harrison Wells has meanwhile been contemplating going home and trying to take on Zoom there, but Caitlin talks him into staying right before Grodd kidnaps her. Remembering her as the person who was most kind to him, he wants her to recreate the sequence of treatments which created him, so that he can have... Well, that's unclear. She thinks companionship, others might suspect an army. Wells dons the yellow suit to pretend to be Reverse Flash, but despite being a magnificent dick is not magnificent or dickish enough.

"Father never asks. Father takes!"

With Grodd's desire for company revealed, however, the team engineer one of the breaches to catapult Grodd to a sanctuary for super-intelligent ex-lab gorillas, which apparently is a thing in Earth-2.
Gorilla city, bitches!
We end with the team now devising a proper plan to deal with Zoom, by closing all of the breaches but one so that he can not flank them like he did last time. Barry also asks Cisco to find a way to get his suit into a ring like Harrison Wells, and I smell a return appearance for Ray Palmer, even if he did last appear being blown up in the season finale of Arrow (because Starling City naturally hates anyone that chipper.)

* Thanks to James for the catch.

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