Wednesday 9 December 2015

Arrow - 'The Candidate'

"Who wants to be Star City's Mayor?"
"I don't!"
Team whatever they're called if Oliver isn't the boss of them anymore continue to take down Ghost operations, but get no closer to Darhk, and Oliver is increasingly worried about Thea's anger management. They are distracted a little when their mother's old friend Jessica Danforth decides to run for mayor, a career choice traditionally ending in death either before or after the election.

Oliver and Thea protect Jessica from an assassination attempt by a man who has scrambled his own fingerprints and uses a high-powered cattle-prod. Lonnie Machin meets up with Darhk and promises success next time, proceeding to abduct Danforth's daughter Madison after brutally murdering her police escort. After Thea's rage scotches an attempt to trace Machin, Oliver confronts her, leading to a fight in the lair. He explains to her about the Lazarus Pit's side-effects.

The height disparity is much more notable these days.
Darhk disowns Machin, telling him that while he doesn't have many limits, he believes in order, while Machin stands for chaos. He gives Lance the address where Madison is being held and Lance opts to trust Oliver with the rescue, given that he must be running short of cops by now. The team rescues Madison, but in the fight Thea kinda sorta sets Machin on fire, breaking the trust with Lance. Critically injured, Machin still busts out of the ambulance and maims two paramedics.

In the B-plot, Felicity finds that Ray Palmer's death has left Palmer Technologies more or less back where he found it, with the board mandating downsizing based on an algorithm developed by Curtis Holt (a list including Holt himself.) Unwilling to lay off dozens of employees, Felicity makes a hail Mary play, promising the Board a revolutionary new technology to restore the company's fortunes. Because she's awesome like that.

And then Laurel decides to take Thea to Nanda Parbat to look for a cure to her condition andbythewaylet'stakemysister'scorpseandseeifwecangetherbackafterayearinthegroundeventhoughshelookslikeHelenaBonhamCarterinaremakeofDeathBecomesHerorsomething.

Season 4 continues to show a marked improvement in the quality of adversaries, with Lonnie 'Anarky' Machin holding off Team Arrow for a spell and actually overpowering Oliver one-on-one. My one major reservation is Lance's cooperation with Darhk, and I don't know if they'll offer an explanation that works for me, especially if Darhk is willing to resort to threats towards Laurel. I guess we'll see.

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