Thursday 30 April 2015

The Flash - 'Who is Harrison Wells'

Inaugural meeting of the Association of Disappointing Canon Love-Interest's
Long-Suffering Cop Dads.
One of the problems of watching The Flash ahead of Arrow is that it does sometimes drop me some spoilers, like Felicity dating Ray Palmer after he bought out Queen Conglomerated and now Detective/Officer Lance being made up to Captain after discovering a heart murmur of some kind and Laurel Lance stepping into her (dead, thanks again The Flash) sister's kinky boots as Black Canary. So it goes.

Anyway, this comes out of Joe and Cisco taking a road trip to Starling City to look into Harrison Wells' car accident, discovering tachyon residue and the horribly distorted body of the original Wells, the latter finally convincing even Caitlin that Wells might be the Reverse Flash. While there, Laurel approaches Cisco to adapt her sister's sonic weapon into the throat-mounted 'Canary Cry'.

Back in Central City, Barry and Eddie hunt down a thief who can take on the form of anyone he touches, clothes and all. The metahuman frames Eddie for attempted murder, steals Barry's form - but despite some concerns, not his powers - and macks on a painfully uncomfortable Caitlin. While disguised as Barry he also gives the thumbs up to the name 'Everyman', provided by an atypically inspired Caitlin.

Standout moments include Lance and Joe discussing secrets, Eddie refusing to let Barry simply run him away from arrest, and Everyman's realisation that he can't recall or resume his original appearance.

The episode ends with Eddie telling Iris that he has been working with the Flash, and Team Flash discovering Wells' secret chamber of secrets, complete with yellow suit and 2043 newspaper headlines. One can only assume that next week is going to be big.

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