Thursday 26 February 2015

The Flash - 'Crazy For You'

You are basically just taunting me now, aren't you, The Flash?
A teleporting meta-human rescues her deadbeat boyfriend from Iron Heights, offering a chance for Barry to reconnect with his father. Meanwhile, Cisco enlists Hartley to search for the truth about Ronnie. Barry and Caitlin, pressed by their friends to actually start getting over Iris and Ronnie instead of just saying that they are moving on, visit a karaoke bar for fun and cringes, where Barry meets sports reporter Linda Park.

Okay, seriously, what the fuck, The Flash? You're just messing with me now, aren't you, teasing the Barry/Caitlin ship and then throwing in ol' Linda Park, the canon love interest of the other Flash. Seriously, it's not enough we've got Iris in the mix, we're dragging in Wally West's girlfriend as well?

Oh, right; the A plot.

Shawna Baez is an interesting adversary, her teleportation power making her technically faster than the Flash in the right conditions. With all the B plot going on, there's not a lot made of it, however, and their one major fight really just showcases that Barry still hasn't taken Oliver's advice about training and being mindful of his environment to heart. Given that Oliver managed to take down Barry, you'd think he might at least consider there are some lessons he could apply against Reverse-Flash.

There is a nice bit of character development for Cisco and Caitlin, when he admits he let Hartley escape because he was tracking Ronnie, not for her but because he sealed Ronnie into the test chamber during the resonance cascade scenario (I have thought that now and I can't unthink it.) You can see that he expects a complete bollocking from Caitlin for what he did and for hiding it from her, but instead she forgives him and helps him to take off the burden of guilt.

Nice Barry moments this week include the karaoke scene, in which Caitlin calls him up to sing and, being Grant Gustin and an alumnus of Glee, he kills it (much to her annoyance) and his discomfort when the super-drunk Caitlin starts stripping off. In the latter scene, points a) for him superspeed changing her into her adorably sensible PJs when asked, b) obviously for him not sneaking a peak, but c) for there being no kiss to reward him for that; he didn't peak because he's a hero and a gent, that is all.
All right; you win this round, The Flash.

But fuck you series for the scene the next day where it so nearly happens. I do not like your canon love interests and do not appreciate you taunting me like this!

Why should I continue watching this series if you're going to be this way? Give me one good FUCK YEAH, GRODD!!!

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