Friday 27 February 2015

The 100 - 'Reapercussions'

Well, that's a relief. I thought this episode was going to be creepy and horrible.
No Jaha this week, so we're looking at our three standards, with the addition of 'Clarke and Anya' and 'Team Bellamy'.

Clarke and Anya: Clarke lets Anya out of her cage and they escape into the tunnels beneath the Mountain; Reaper tunnels. Over the course of the episode we learn that the Mount Weather group leave their almost-dead filter captives for the Reapers, because just using Grounders as living dialysis machines wasn't creepy enough for Chancellor Not-Hitler. We're starting to get definite aspects of horror in the mix now.

Ultimately they escape in the manner of The Fugitive (film, not series) and Anya knocks Clarke out, intending to use her as her trophy to get back in with her tribe. Hanna is getting ticked off with Anya's ongoing hostility, but on reflection she has lived with the (admittedly nebulous to her) threat of the Reapers and the Mountain Men for her entire life, and from what we've seen the tribe is pretty tough on failures. I do agree that I wish they'd stop bleating about all the people who were killed in the Drop Site Massacre, because they definitely started that one, so they just sound like they're whining about getting whupped by a bunch of kids.

The 48: Life is pretty good for the 48 still, but with Clarke on an extended absence, Monty gets spooked and Jasper starts to wonder if maybe he was a bit of a dick. He's started leaning on local girl Maya for info, but it's not yet clear if this will be bad for him or for her.

The Grown-ups: Kane has Abbie punished for letting Bellamy go, the punishment taking the form of 10 lashes. It's clear that he does so to appease the fractious military element in Camp Jaha, who miss the absoluteness of the Ark, but he flip-flops between necessity and higher aspiration a little too quickly. In the end, he decides to seek peace with the Grounders, taking a mission led by a Grounder prisoner and leaving Abbie in charge as Chancellor pro-tem. Given that Abbie tends to make exactly the opposite bad decisions that he makes, I can't help feeling that a middle ground candidate would be good, but there really isn't one.

Team Bellamy: Bellamy, Finn, Murphy and the two minor characters capture a Grounder who has Clarke's watch and question him. In a decidedly uncomfortable reversal, Bellamy takes the moral high ground in this exchange, while Finn's feelings for Clarke turn him from the moral core of the crew into a complete dick, whaling on the prisoner and ultimately shooting him in the head once they're done.

I know that there's a serious Lord of the Flies motif going on, but it's weird how Bellamy and Finn have switched over here, and disappointing to see Finn completely abandon the principles he held on to throughout Season 1. Did something happen that we didn't see? Was there some trigger that we don't know about? Some particularly vile threat leveled against Clarke by Tristan, the ranger who captured Finn?

Octavia: Once more, the girl who was too stupid to live comes through. When her first offer to work with the Grounders to rescue the Reaper captives is violently rejected, she pushes until they accept her and proves herself in battle, winning their respect in a way that the more wily and manipulative Clarke fails to do with Anya. Sadly for Octavia, Lincoln - on whom she is pretty much fixated having abandoned or lost the rest of her world - is no longer among the captives; he's apparently been taken to Mount Weather - the plot thickens! - where a tech directs him not to 'harvesting', but for 'Project Cerberus.'

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