Monday 1 June 2015

Sleepy Hollow - 'Magnum Opus' and 'The Akeda'

"Who would win in a fight..."
Abbie and Ichabod are in pursuit of the weapon which Abbie's mother told them of (in the second of two episodes I straight up failed to review, 'Heartless' and 'Mama'.) They identify it as the Sword of Methuselah, a blade that can slay anything on Earth, but Henry bluejacks Katrina's mirror message to confess she was duped out of finishing Moloch until he was too strong for her and learns what they are after, dispatching the Horseman to claim it first. When Abraham is driven back by the dawn, they uncover a hidden cavern full of statues and flee the gorgon within before adding to their number. In a burst of inspiration, they let the Horseman - who has no eyes with which to gaze on the gorgon - fight the monster while they end run for the sword, but even as they claim it the horn blows for the start of Armageddon.

'Magnum Opus' cranks the crazy up to eleven, as the Witnesses discover the ancient burial place of the sword - which is nicely rough-hewn and run down - and conclude from the array of statues therein that basically the entire colonisation of the Americas might have been inspired by the search for the blade. On a more personal note, Ichabod suffers doubts, recalling that Abraham persuaded him to go to America and fearing that all of his decisions belong to other people.

Orlando Jones auditions for the dictionary definition of badass.
In 'The Akeda', Ichabod and Abbie rescue Katrina from Abraham's binding ritual (a sort of unilateral wedding/brainwashing,) but learn from the captured Abraham that using the sword will result in the death of the wielder as their soul is consumed (despite it being claimed that Methuselah himself slew a thousand demons with it.) Thus they call on Captain Irving to be their executioner, as his soul is already claimed. Armed with weapons from Hawley's arsenal, empowered by Katrina's magic, they battle a zombie hordette and the armour of War. Irving destroys the latter, but receives a mortal wound in return.

Yeah; that well.
Confronting Henry, Ichabod appeals to his humanity instead of going for the kill, and as a result the entire party is captured. As all seems lost, Moloch picks up the idiot ball and explains to Henry just how meaningless he is, Horseman of War or no Horseman of War, while Henry is holding the Sword of Methuselah, which ends about as well for Moloch as you might expect.

So, that was the midseason finale ('Magnum Opus') and a midseason pickup in which one of the main characters died and the primary antagonist was shanked by his own dragon while the heroes were all tied to trees (they don't call them Witnesses for nothing, it seems.) It will be interesting to see where they go next, and I'm hoping that - still being in hock to Henry - we might yet see more of Irving before he finds his final rest. Better than than have Hawley promoted to regular, because he's still a pain.

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