Wednesday 18 May 2016

Supergirl - 'Solitude'

She's a Braniac, Braniac on the floor...
National City comes under attack from a mysterious hacktivist with a dark agenda, while the CatCo office starts to resemble an overwrought telenovela.

We begin with Cat rejecting an anonymous tip revealing details of the members of an 'adulterers' club' website. Siobhan pushes to use the story, but Cat insists adultery isn't news anymore. The hacker responds by attacking the city infrastructure to cripple CatCo's power. As Wynn tries to trace the hack, a purple woman with a three-lobed symbol on her forehead emerges from the screen and attacks them. Despite this evidence of a major, extraterrestrial threat, Kara opts to tackle this with just Team Supergirl, still on the outs with Hank and the DEO.

But baby it's cold outside...
Indigo - aka Braniac-8 - continues her campaign, briefly interrupted by an attempted booty call on Non. Meanwhile, James takes Kara to visit the Fortress of Solitude and access Kal's Kryptonian records. They learn that Indigo is a Coluan, and that she was considered the single most dangerous prisoner ever committed to Fort Raz. To prove why, she uses a general's phone to sneak into a nuclear missile silo and fire on National City in the hopes of starting a war of annihilation.

Back at CatCo, Lucy is getting angry with James about his lies, and he is leaning on Kara to let him tell. Kara tries to smooth things over, but accidentally reveals that James has told her things he has never told Lucy, leading Lucy to conclude that they are in love, just too dumb to realise. Over at the copier, Wynn helps Siobhan with a paper jam and they swap stories of shitty fathers. He offers her the hand of friendship and she kiss-walks him into a lift and threatens to kill him if he tells anyone. I suspect a crossed wire and certainly future heartache for young Xander Wynn.

We are family...
Indigo's missile attack is aborted, and Wynn hacks her code to shut her down. It's a bit Independence Day, but the DEO has plenty of alien stuff around, so I'll buy it. Alex comes clean about the death of Astra, explaining that the alternative was to let Hank die, and after a tense moment, Kara embraces her. It's really good to see truth clearing the air for once.

Non revives Indigo to do things his way.

Honestly, I could have lived without the whole middle section with the love... whatever shape it is now. Other than that, however, this is a great episode and the final pay off of the death of Astra is really well done. The Fortress of Solitude is pure cheese, but gorgeous, and the missile chase is pretty tense for all we know it's not going to hit. Also, I approve of James noting that Kara is actually faster than Superman, and crazy sharp on the corners.

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