Tuesday 3 May 2016

Arrow - 'Taken' and 'Broken Hearts'

"Everything looks so weird in live action."
When Damien Darhk takes Oliver's son hostage and forces him out of the mayoral race, Team Arrow are forced into direct action. Lacking a magical weapon of their own and with John Constantine in Hell (literally), Oliver calls on Mari McCabe, a heroine from some obscure, pissant backwater named Detroit (I mean, how big a deal can it be if it's not called Something City, right?)  Mari has a totem which enables her to call on the powers of animals; not enough to overwhelm Darhk, but her experience with occult villains coupled with Quentin Lance's time in Darhk's employ picks out his totem, allowing them to destroy it and so rob him of his powers.

In less 'yay' news, Felicity is pissed at Oliver's continued secret keeping and high handed making of decisions that affect them both, and breaks off the engagement, because happy heroes are dull heroes, apparently.

"I now pronounce you a shameless fan-tease."
The pair's ability to function as non-item partners is tested when Cupid returns to town, having worked out her time with the Suicide Squad and back on the streets, murdering celebrity couples on a mission to prove that love is a lie. To lure her out, they announce that the wedding is back on and hold a ceremony in order to trap her.

Cupid is lured, and even moved by their professions of love, but Felicity tells Oliver that there is no way she can ever trust him again and, with some regret, that she can not work with him either.

And on the island, Baron Reiter uses Olvier to access a hidden shrine, where he claims what looks a lot like Darhk's totem and starts feeding it lives, before Oliver and friend nick it and prepare to fight their way out if necessary.

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