Monday 23 May 2016

Limitless - 'Undercover!'

And Undercover! means sweet three piece suits.
Someone has hacked a list of undercover operatives, and the FBI needs Brian to help pull out the agents who are so deep that even their handlers can't get in touch with them. The most elusive of these is Lucy Church, closing in on a corrupt hedge fund. Unfortunately, the hedge fund is just the tip of a white slavery iceberg and Church is unwilling to come out until she knows that the 'inconvenient' women caught in their business are safe from disposal.

In an episode bookended by talking head, after action interviews, Church co-opts Brian to help her scope out a party, then infiltrate an office as a temp, in order to steal back the trafficked women's passports. This he does, and for good measure goes on to spend an afternoon at the racetrack, so that he can slip enough money into each passport to ensure none of the women fall back into the poverty trap that led them to where they are. It's a perfect Brian idea, and moves Lucy to become... demonstrative.

So... that happened.
The ensuing Bollywood dance fantasy lasts about thirty seconds, but features a lot of the supporting cast and to judge by my own experience of Indian dance lessons for eight year olds, probably represents a solid day of pure joy for the production.

It's not all fun and games, however, and with Brian running out of NZT and the NOC list in the open, it's up to pilless Brian to talk Church down from eliminating the group's hitman, and persuade her to come out of cover and embrace her own life for the first time in years. Moreover, while Brian is out of the office, Sands - who has already told Brian it is his fault that the evidence clerk had to be killed - approaches Rebecca and offers her a job with Morra. She refuses and pretty much tells him she's coming for the Senator, so that one's going to blow up on someone.

Limitless continues to deftly juggle humour and darker tones, although it's definitely at its best as a caper show, with the serious aspects providing necessary contrast. 'Undercover!' is as caperlicious as they come, as well as introducing Lucy Church as a potentially recurring character; not just an old flame for Brian, but also an old foil from Rebecca's academy days.

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