Monday 19 January 2015

The Musketeers - 'An Ordinary Man'

"It's been at least nine hours since I slept on an eiderdown and d'Artagnan
won't let me use the hair and make-up trailer."
The Musketeers are snookered when the King wants to 'experience the life of the ordinary folk'. Predictably, trouble breaks out, and as bad luck would have it Louis and d'Artagnan wind up chained together to be sold as Spanish galley slaves, because the Spanish are the baddies in this series, okay? That's why they have accents and the French just sound English.

The Musketeers set out to rescue the King, but the Queen puts the blame on them for losing him and this pushes Rochefort further into her good graces. An attempt to eliminate the King and all witnesses leads to a battle royale, but d'Artagnan and Louis are saved by the intercession of an unlikely heroine, Milady de Winter.
I'm sure this good deed will go unpunished... right?"

Ordinarily, we would expect this to be the episode which turns Louis around from prancing fop to serious king. It has all the hallmarks - a bonding moment with d'Artagnan, an insight into the plight of the poor - but actually it serves merely to highlight what a dick the king is, blaming the whole thing on the Musketeers he bullied into escorting him and exacting petty revenge on his captors instead of thanking those who risked - or gave - their lives to save him.

Speaking of dicks, d'Artagnan may not be able to act like a dick to Constance this week (note that despite his dickishness last week, she is unshakable in her faith in him) but we get our weekly 'treating women like crap' quotient in with Aramis, who is absent from the initial kidnap scene visiting the royal governess, whom he has clearly seduced in order to spend time near his son.

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