Friday 9 January 2015

Dominion - Those Closest to You

Get me to the chapel of dubious denomination on time!
Dominion's first season (and there is set to be another) finale is all go.

We open with Alex getting Michael kicked out of Vega for hiding higher angels, but it's all part of an elaborate plot. also part of a plot is the wedding of Claire and William. Alex confronts Gabriel and first kills and then miraculously heals Noma. Claire becomes unexpectedly kickass as she takes over her father's role as leader of the city, and follows up her success by outing William as the Acolyte leader.
Okay, so Pseudosapphic Diplomat needs a new
handle on every level.

Meanwhile Pseudosapphic Diplomat is revealed to actually be Evelyn, the leader of the city of Helena, and not Evelyn's wife after all, and the lover of Uriel. Gabriel surrenders to Vegan custody, only to be sprung by his Acolytes in order to confront Michael with Sexy Lady Senator's experiments on dead or captive angels, triggering a bit of a regression to Michael's old murderous ways.

We end the series with William cast out into the desert, Alan Dale on his way to retirement in New Delphi, Claire pregnant with Alex's child and ruling Vega with the aid of Evil Giles, and Alex himself climbing the cliffs to Gabriel's funktastic crib in the mountains.

Dominion is not a great series, but it's been fun. I'm interested enough to come back for the next series, but I'm disappointed to see that they've gone with another 13 episodes given that the first season's great flaw is that it has seemed very rushed. Choices which could have formed the basis of whole episodes have been made within minutes and the dramatic tension has been lacking as a result. The series really needs to learn to take its time and savour moments like Alex's acceptance of his destiny, and to build up concepts like Sexy Lady Senator's experimentation before they are revealed in universe as plot points.

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