Monday 21 November 2016

The Flash - 'The New Rogues'

It's like looking in a mirror, only BOO!
Things are finally beginning to settle in the post-Flashpoint world, with Jesse Quick - way to keep a secret identity - joining Flash for a few patrols before heading home and a new villain of the week drawn from the classic rogues gallery.

Sam Scudder is a reckless thief, who falls foul of his boss Leonard Snart just before the explosion of the STAR Labs particle accelerator and ends up trapped in a mirror for two years. Emerging with a yen for vengeance (against a man who died in the impossibly distant future) and the ability to create wormholes between mirrors, he springs his best gal Rosa from Iron Heights(1) and they go on a Bonnie and Clyde style rampage. When Flash and Jesse Quick confront them, Jesse goes in recklessly and gets hit with Rosa's vertigo powers, while Barry gets trapped in a reflective surface saving her.

Back at the lab, Cisco and Harry try to create a device to chill the surface of the mirror enough to stabilise the exit portal, and between them name the new rogues Mirror Master and Top(2). Harry, Cisco and Caitlin are also searching for another Harrison Wells out in the multiverse to round out the team when Harry and Jesse go back to Earth-2. The device isn't quite up to it, but Caitlin creates a diversion and Killer Frosts that shit while no-one is looking. In the rematch, Jesse takes out Top and Barry creates an inescapable mirror ring that constantly reflects Mirror Master back to the same location.

In romantic subplot land, Wally is getting weirded out about kissing a girl who will be in another universe soon and Barry is getting weirded out by kissing Iris in front of Joe, but it all gets settled in the end. I hope for Wally's sake if nothing else that we see Harry and Jesse again this season.

"I wear a bowler hat. Eccentric!"
Hipster Wells of Earth-19 is brought to be the new Harry, despite Harry's non-specific misgivings. Harry and Jesse go home, Barry kisses Iris in front of Joe, and Caitlin's hair begins to turn white. The reasons for Caitlin's secrecy are a bit of a puzzle, but I'm guessing that it's because the Earth-2 Killer Frost turned out to be such a major backstabbing beeatch that she's worried that the 'tude comes with the powers and the do. It's interesting that she's developing powers at all, of course, since Flashpoint Caitlin had no powers and nothing much to reclaim except for opthalmalogical training and a rapport with kids.

(1) Seriously, Iron Heights needs to work on its metahuman containment protocols given its apparent inability to contain metahumans.
(2) Cisco racing to get a name in before Harry is blamed for the somewhat lacklustre offering.

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