Wednesday 2 November 2016

Start to Finish: 8.08 - 'The Sleeping City'

Image (c) Big Finish Productions
We begin the run down to the end of this particular project of mine with The Sleeping City, the first of three First Doctor stories in a row and the last of this original run to feature the voice of William Russel as Ian Chesterton.

Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright are in trouble, suspected of being Communist spies who helped to spirit a mysterious teenager with a fake ID out of the country. To convince the authorities of their innocence, they will need to substantiate their claims of time travel, so Ian suggests that they each tell the story of Hisk - a world on which the population engaged in shared dreaming, but were stalked by harbingers of death - and the government agents holding them can compare notes.

The Sleeping City rocks the concept of a critically flawed Utopia which has inspired so many Doctor Who - and other - stories. In this case, it's a central control system that commits horrific acts in order to maintain their society's perfection. So far, so seen it before, but without wishing to spoil anything for the fraction of a percent of my small number of readers who might be teetering on deciding whether to buy these audios, this one has a pretty decent twist to it (as well as a weirdly meta scene in which dream versions of Ian's fellow travelers complain in Russell's version of their voices that he can't get their voices right.)

Out next story is Starborn, with Maureen O'Brien giving proper voice to Vicki.

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