Monday 21 March 2016

Sleepy Hollow - 'Novus Ordo Seclorum'

A Mummy returns
In the big mid-season finale, the race is on to rescue Jenny from Pandora and her sugar mummy 'the Hidden One', whom I presume to be Gozer the Gozarian since our information on him is so far limited to the fact that he is a god and that he was very big in Sumeria. His goal is to extract the power of the Anubis Shard - aka the All-Seeing Eye - from Jenny's body without causing her to explode, a fate that befell the last mortal to absorb the power, the nephew of silversmith, dentist and occult armourer Paul Revere.

At the cost of her future with the FBI, Abbie retrieves the shard casing - created by Revere to contain the Eye - and an arsenal of siege weapons, and she, Joe and Ichabod race to rescue Jenny from Chez Pandora. Being a god and all, the Hidden One shrugs off most things, but Ichabod is able to stalemate Pandora in a box controlling duel until the box itself explodes, and Abbie is able to draw off the power and fling herself and it into the tree, which goes boom.

Most of this episode was working up to the cliffhanger, which once again has Abbie Mills stuck in a weird realm on her own (a la Season 1 purgatory mid-season and season finales) or possibly gone for good (we hope not.) Weirdly, while her departure from the Bureau and Reynolds' suddenly revealed intent to recruit her as an asset for... something are a major subplot, a lot of the punch of this episode belongs to Joe, who finally gets some beef in his role. It's easy for a new love interest to feel tacked on, but by referring back to his original episode with his attempts to recover his Wendigo power in order to sacrifice himself for Jenny, the show tied it all in, and he also got to be a foil for this week's 'I knew the Founding Father's' exposition.

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