Monday 21 March 2016

Agent Carter - 'The Edge of Mystery'

Agent Carter finally has a damsel in distress and she's a sassy war survivor
who was gutshot defending her home from superhumans and gangsters.
The shooting of Anna Jarvis has everyone on edge at not-the-SSR, but there is also the kidnapping of Jason Wilkes to deal with and Jack Thompson showing up with a file full of conveniently findable blackmail on Peggy. To the latter's credit, it starts him asking the right questions at last, as well as provoking Peggy to a confession: Despite her many tirades, she respects Thompson and believes him capable of success without patronage, and while she might go behind his back, she would never betray him and never abuse his confession to her in Russia. It's a bit of a wakeup call for Jack.

Peggy and Sousa get Samberly to mock up a set of fake Uranium rods, and use Frost's gangster boyfriend to set up a meet. The exchange goes almost without a hitch, until Wilkes turns heel and threatens to shoot Peggy until Sousa reveals the location of the real rods. It seems that Zero Matter is getting to him as well. Peggy is stoic, but Sousa tells Wilkes where the rods are, only for Wilkes to phase out of the van, now apparently a full-fledged superhero. Jack Thompson almost stops his mentor stealing the rods, but gets amnesia zapped.

Anna begins to recover, but the doctors tell Jarvis that she can never have children. The look on his face makes it clear that this was something that the couple were hoping for, and Jarvis is now clearly plotting revenge. Samberly is tasked with creating a gamma cannon based on specs sent by Howard Stark, and while they are unable to prevent the detonation of Frost's test warhead and the creation of a new Zero Matter rift (to which Wilkes, not Frost, is drawn) the cannon seals the rift and Jarvis shoots Frost. Hurrah!

Or not, as Frost recovers and Carter and Jarvis are taken captive to provide leverage on Wilkes, who seemingly possesses that which Frost most covets: The true secret of Zero Matter.

Agent Carter ramps up the action as the conspiracy elements fall into place, with Jarvis' quest for revenge throwing a spanner into the works even as Thompson comes back on board. This remains for me the top of the line in the MCU's TV wing; not as dark or edgy as Daredevil or Jessica Jones, but a whole lot of fun and just miles ahead of its nearest equivalent, Agents of SHIELD.

Also, I hear next week is a musical episode.

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