Thursday 14 July 2016

Sleepy Hollow - 'Kindred Spirits'

"Grave robbing. That's new. Interesting."
"I know you meant gross and disturbing."
"Yes, yes of course. Terrible thing. Must put a stop to it."
What's this? An episode of Sleepy Hollow? Yeah, bitches; that's what I'm talking about.

While Abbie is recovering from her extended absence, Agent Reynolds taps her to consult on the double halberd homicide of a couple in a local lover's lane. She and Ichabod realise that the killer is most likely to Kindred, the Death-powered, Frankensteinian super-zombie created by Benjamin Franklin and given its parody of life by the Witnesses in Season 2. There is, naturally, a certain amount of guilt, which might be mitigated if they realised that it had returned following Pandora's beacon.

To stop the creature, they send Jenny and Joe to retrieve Franklin's glass armonica (well, one of them anyway, and a portable one built like a hurdy-gurdy at that, rather than the more common free-standing model) from the local museum, having identified this as one of a number of controls provided by Franklin. Ultimately, they realise that it is targeting couples because it has never known love, just in time for it to nab Zoe, who is in the middle of breaking up with Ichabod for going all silent on her for months.

"I want to know what love is,
I know you can show me."
In desperation, they activate the ultimate control; a female Kindred stored at the museum, complete with her own morning star. Why, Franklin? Why include weapons on your moderating influence? It's like incorporating a bomb into a nuclear reactor's control rods. Anyway, it works: The Kindred and Kindress hit it off and head out of town, until the Hidden One blows them up in a snit and swears off love. Alas, while they are in time to save Zoe it is way too late to save the relationship, which at least puts her ahead on points against his last love interest, who was drowned by La Llorona, lest we forget. Sadly, they do seem to be using this to push the Ichabbie agenda, which does not make me happy.

Did I mention I like platonic partnerships?

So, I confess I think we lost touch with Sleepy Hollow along the way, and part of that is that I don't know if Season 3 is as good. While Moloch was nothing to write home about, Henry/War was an antagonist worthy of the name of nemesis, and neither Pandora nor the Hidden One really makes up for the loss of our two Horsemen (or the fact that we apparently won't get to see the others any time soon.)

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