Friday 17 June 2016

Limitless - 'A Dog's Breakfast'

Brian in a suit is so sad
Brian is back in the US and working for the FBI under new, stricter guidelines, including stone-faced, 24 minders Mr X and Mr Y, no HQ! and a dress code. On the upside, Rebecca is back as his handler, and if Piper comes through with the booster shot, he can come clean and all will be golden. Best yet, with one of his minders on Morra's payroll, Sands promises no more violence.

But then, in the middle of a case involving a missing transplant kidney, Piper contacts Brian to say she's got the antidote, only to miss their meeting. Returning home, he finds his sedated minder gone and Piper's blood-stained bracelet left in his dining room. He tracks down Morra, who realises that Sands has gone rogue, intending to use NZT himself and set up a rival organisation, but declines to act, or even worry, utterly focused on his campaign and what comes after the presidency.

So, what we're seeing is that Morra's brain is now so accelerated that he is
missing obvious threats in his pursuit of the 'big picture'.
Brian cracks the case, but then Rebecca shows up with a gun and a pair of handcuffs and demands to know what is going on between him and Morra.

So we move unironically towards the end of Limitless; the final three episodes ever, and I hope it's not too cliffhangy. I like Brian, and the revelation that basically Sands has been working under Morra's radar because NZT makes the senator too abstracted to focus on details strengthens the idea that Brian's slacker mentality is the ideal starting point for NZT use, and that holding on to who you were before the pill is more than just a choice, but a necessity.

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