Thursday 16 June 2016

Bitten - 'Trespass'

"Do you murder here often?"
It's on like Donkey Kong, with even Elena fully signed up to the hunt after the killer mutt claims the life of a child and dumps the body on Stonehaven ground.

Clay and Elena are sent to scope out the bars for the mutt's scent, while Jeremy and Antonio run PR with the sheriff and the rest of the pack hit up Karl Danvers, a con-man and mutt of parts, who might know who has been biting people. Karl is suspiciously available, but promises to ask around in exchange for the pack's support in claiming a territory of his own.

Meanwhile, Elena corners the mutt in a club. She tells him he is breaking the rules, but he is all 'a fig for your rules' and drops some dialogue that suggests that lycanthropy is only enabling a pre-existing murder habit. The mutt tries to muscle Elena, and when she overpowers him he begins to change, and the architectural shortcomings of the club mean that she can't contain him, resulting in a panic. One man is bitten - and later killed by Clay on the grounds that he's an addict and too weak to survive the change - before the mutt makes a break for it and gets hit by a bus. This is pure good luck, and I seriously don't know what their actual plan was if the mutt didn't just follow Elena outside like a good dog.

Damnit. I liked Pete.
Elena is all 'I want a normal life' and runs off back to Toronto, where normal Philip has invited Logan and his fiancee for dinner. All seems well, with stories straight and betrotheds unquestioning, but then Jeremy calls again. Logan and Elena have to come home again again. There has been another mutt attack, and this time Pete is dead.

'Trespass' closes out Bittens first micro arc with the death of the serial mutt, and it's... kind of unsatisfying. The pack's tactics are so haphazard; their behaviour more like the mob than a pack. I want to see more wolfishness; pacing and isolating their quarry, instinctively moving as a unit, non-verbal dominance and coordination cues. As it is they're less like a pack and more... a bunch of guys.

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