Monday 25 April 2016

Supergirl - 'Bizarro'

Because she's worth it.
This week, we saw Max Lord's plans come to fruition, as he finally achieved his ambition of being pinned to a desk by one of the Danvers sisters; I do not think it was all that he expected.

Yeah, to quote Alex, Lord is a creep. Bad enough that he's creating a Supergirl clone to undo her good PR, but his relationship with the quasi-Kryptonian whom Cat Grant dubs 'Bizarro' is creepy as shit. Never trust anyone who creates a perky blonde clone and makes her call him 'My Lord'; this is clone creeper 101, right up there with cloning people who won't have sex with you so that you can have sex with their clones. Still, for anyone who has been watching the series, this is old news, even if they aren't comics fans holding a grudge for Ted Kord.

Lord's clone comes gunning for Supergirl, having been conditioned to believe that she is bad. While everyone at the DEO knows that Lord is behind it, Hank is reluctant to go after him without cast iron proof, because if mishandled such a move on a prominent industrialist could see him thrown out and the DEO handed over to Lord's fellow xenophobe, Sam Lane. Hank and Alex want to destroy Bizarro, but Kara sees more to her; a soul inside her. "She's me; she just talks like Cookie Monster."

Blowing hot and cold.
An attempt on Bizarro with a Kryptonite bullet leaves her disfigured and supercharged, and while the DEO works up an anti-Kryptonite and Kara fails spectacularly to hold down a normal relationship with Cat's son Adam, Bizarro is sent after the people Kara loves (see above re. Max Lord: Creep,) kidnapping James Olsen.

Alex 'arrests' Lord (for certain values of arrest usually reserved for Guantanamo package tours) and Kara and Alex bring down Bizarro. At Kara's insistence she is brought in alive and Hank restores her to a coma until something can be done for her.

'For the Man Who Has Everything'
Lord is put in a cell where he threatens Kara and Alex's mother, because he's a dick. Then Kara goes home and is jumped by a Black Mercy. Next episode is called 'For the Girl Who Has Everything', so we know where that's going to be going, whether from the comics or from Justice League. Based on the source material, I'm anticipating more heartrending puppy eyes and probably another terrifying burst of rage in the fifth act, both of which Benoist does beautifully, so that's all to the good, and perhaps a glimpse at what Supergirl could be if she went off the handle.

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