Wednesday 27 April 2016

Person of Interest - 'Skip' and 'Search and Destroy'

Later, he hooks up with his ex-therapist. For most people, this would be a big
day of sexy lady kissage. For John Reese, this is a Tuesday.
Okay, ladies, gents and AIs, it's another Person of Interest double bill, and we're going to get arc-y again.

In 'Skip', Reese and Fusco tackle the number of the week, a sexy, sassy bounty hunter named Frankie who is aiming to bring in her brother's killer... or to bring him down. The case brings them into contact with recent PoI Harper, who is fixing the skip a new passport and apparently taking orders from the Machine.

Meanwhile, Harold is putting the plan he set up in Hong Kong into play, intending to activate a Trojan horse he embedded in the algorithms that Samaritan is planning to buy from software designer Beth Bridges. His plan is interrupted when Beth becomes a number, and Harold realises that Root is planning to kill her, against the Machine's instructions, in order to prevent the Trojan being traced back to Professor Whistler. She is unwilling to lose another friend after Shaw, but reckons without Harold's equal stubbornness as he drinks the poison she was preparing for Beth and refuses treatment until she agrees to let Beth live. Instead, she trashes Beth's work and blames it on Whistler in order to protect Harold.

Of particular interest is that when Harold is pleading with Root not to kill Beth, he drops his usual insistence on calling her 'Miss Groves', and simply calls her Root.

They part on bad terms, but Root is back in 'Search and Destroy', stealing a briefcase from a courier.

Goth Root.
The number of the week is a tech billionaire whose life has been released onto the web thanks to hacker activity, but with certain changes to show that he has embezzled from his company and overspent on his R&D project. It becomes clear that Sulaiman Khan believes that his downfall, including a targeted attack on his assets during the Wall Street flash crash, is the work of a malevolent AI, as indeed it is. Samaritan is reaching out to remove an obstacle, basically to prove that it doesn't need the meatware.

Ultimately, Khan is nabbed by Samaritan's goons and shot by Greer, but before that his investigations into the oddities at his company reveal that his antivirus software and biochip research are being coopted by Samaritan for creating new tracker implants and for seeking out traces of the Machine's activity.

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