Monday 15 December 2014

Constantine - The Saint of Last Resorts

Redefining the answer to the question: "Whats' the weirdest thing you ever
Down south of the border, dark things are moving; a mother is slaughtered, her baby abducted, and the nun caring for her calls reluctantly on an old friend for help. Enter John Constantine, sinner and egoist, to confront the Rising Darkness.

Episode 8 of Constantine just screams 'mid-season finale' - revealing the identity, if not of the rising darkness then of its primary middle men, introducing people and creatures which John believes to no longer exist and which he is genuinely terrified to learn are still kicking around, and ending on a cliffhanger for both of its main characters - and sure enough, it is.

It also introduces us to another of the Newcastle crowd; Anne-Marie, once it seems the Nancy to John's Sid, and now a genuinely devout nun in a Mexican convent. After 'Feast of Friends', 'The Saint of Last Resorts' teases that Anne-Marie will be another victim of John's 'mission', before flipping that on its head. In this case, Anne-Marie is using John; once more for a good cause, the protection of two innocent babies. The babies thing was a bit of a wobbler for me (I am not good at child peril, as I may have mentioned) and I was glad to see their immediate fate at least not made the subject of a cliffhanger.

Anyway, now I have to wait until January to find out how Constantine escapes the Invunche (unless the remaining five episodes are all in flashback, I'm presuming that he does) and what happens to Anne-Marie, Chas, the babies... Oh, and Zed, who has been kidnapped by her own father, but that subplot has been so poorly integrated into the main arc that I am currently struggling to see it as the same story.

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