Tuesday 16 December 2014

Atlantis - Telemon

"What's fanservice?"
Episode 3 of Atlantis gets back to the pillars of its appeal: gorgeous costumes, tortured OST romance, and well-oiled gladiatorial fanservice. There's an Amazon in the mix for the boys, but she gets killed pretty early and I'm getting the feeling that I'm not 100% in the target audience here.

Still, target audience or not, there's enough that isn't muscular pretty boys for me to still enjoy it. Jason and Ariadne and their pointlessly tragic romance (although I believe that learning he is Pasiphae's son would drive him evil, since he doesn't have much personality of his own) may be about as interesting as paint, but Pythagoras and Hercules make the show. This episode, it's primarily Pythagoras and his investigation into the mysterious Telemon, a foreign prince intent on marrying Ariadne, and who is almost certainly up to no good.

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