Thursday 7 March 2013

My Oscar Thoughts

Best Picture - Argo
I've not seen it, but would quite like to. Ben Affleck, like so many recent leading men, seems to be much better at everything cinematic that isn't being a leading man, so that's promising.

Best Actor - Daniel-Day Lewis (Lincoln)
Fair. He's a very good actor and this was a performance I enjoyed. I liked that they showed him slightly strained as a public speaker, and most comfortable as the rambling storyteller. It would have been easy to go bombastic.

Best Actress - Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook)
Not seen it, but she is good.

Best Supporting Actor - Christopher Waltz (Django Unchained)
I can't recall if I posted my thoughts on Django, but regardless, this is a deserved award. While I won't say Tommy Lee Jones wouldn't have deserved it, he was essentially playing Tommy Lee Jones in Lincoln, and Waltz was superb.

Best Supporting Actress - Anne Hathaway (Les Miserables)
Seriously; with the screen time she had and the impact she made, totally deserved. Also, having watched her in light romantic comedy last night, the range she has now shown is amazing.

Honestly, I would have liked to see Pirates! win best animated feature. I liked Brave more than many seem to have done, but I _really- liked Pirates!. Ang Lee's best director nod was earned in Life of Pi, and seriously if anyone else but Anna Karenina had got costumes, I would have called fix.

Oh, and Best Animated Short going to Paperman is something that makes me happy. I'm interested then that Wreck-it Ralph wasn't up for best animated, but I guess they put the nominating muscle behind Brave.

I'm glad that Les Mis didn't win best original song, because that one was the weak spot of the entire film for me.


  1. i liked Brave but both Paranorman and Pirates! were better movies in nearly every way.

    1. Pirates! wasn't really a big contender though, having unfairly tanked at the US box office.
