Wednesday 8 February 2017

Agents of SHIELD - 'Meet the New Boss'

Significantly different from the old boss.
Episode 2 of Season 4, and we're already establishing a pattern of two otherwise loosely connected shows: Agents of SHIELD and The Daisy Adventures (feat. Ghost Rider.)

In 'Meet the New Boss' we meet the new boss, SHIELD Director Jeff, an affable fellow keen to employ Coulson's love of retro-SHIELD and SSR history to impress a gaggle of politicos on a tour of the base as part of the agency's move back into the public domain. Unfortunately, May is going increasingly nuts with what turns out to be exposure to a ghost-type-thing created using a mix of science and black magic; because that shit always ends well. She freaks out and tries to escape the base, seeing everyone around her as changed, but is unable to bypass Jeff, who is it emerges an Inhuman with immense physical power and resilience. May is taken away to be 'treated', and I can't see that sitting well with Coulson.

"Give me the brain! I'm locked in the reactor!"
Mack and Fitz track a ghost sighting with a similar effect to the one May has, and trail a number of spectral entities to a research complex, which they intend to blow up. Fortunately, Robbie Reyes turns up, after Daisy has done winding him up and drops a hint about the research centre. He skulls up and incinerates one of the ghosts, and later stops by and tells Daisy that he thinks he is the connection between the current Watchdog activities.

In the interim, Mack treats Skye for a broken arm and realises that she's been getting SHIELD meds via Yo-Yo. He is very sad. Poor Mack.

'Meet the New Boss' is about 75% great and 25% contrived division between Daisy and SHIELD. Hell, I don't even mind the bits with Daisy and Robbie, it's the fact that she's parceled off into her own special place that niggles, plus the fact that she does remain my least favourite character. Still, I guess if you're going to explore someone's death wish, the Ghost Rider is someone to explore that with, as in this episode where, having tied her to a chair, Robbie goes through her stuff looking for a reason she might deserve to die, as that way 'my problem goes away, and you get your wish.'

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