Tuesday 3 March 2015

Continuum - '30 Minutes to Air'

Family; an important natural resource.
We open with a future flashback of Travis being arrested while sneaking a visit to his family. The seemingly heartless goon gets even more of a tragic backstory, I guess.

In the here and now, a young woman is arrested for hanging a giant pro-Liber8 poster off an arms manufacturer's building, and she turns out to be Dillon's daughter (Dillon being the chief.) He is all gung-ho to make an example of her, and goes on TV to say so, only Liber8 invade the studio and seize hostages.

Season 3 of Continuum continues to be... complicated; perhaps too complicated. Liber8's plan involves gaining access to the studio's broadcast codes in order to piggyback to a server black-site belonging to the weapons makers, who also own the studio having bought them out to kill a story. Dillon is using his daughter to go undercover with Liber8. Carlos and Kiera are still at odds, Green Alec is being a dick to everyone (including Kellogg, Emily and Red Alec,) Dillon is smug as shit, Betty is apparently trying to make good but keeps being shut down by Dillon and Travis is shooting his own guys, because people's rebellion, yeah?

Oh, and the future is becoming shittier and shittier; it's never even sunny anymore.

In short... I've run out of people to root for. Everyone sucks, with the possible exception of Red Alec and Emily, who are only a selfish, entitled time traveler and a cold-blooded killer. Go them!

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